
Wednesday 30 June 2010

New Silver Knots

I don't do this very often, but am very excited to show my new range of fine silver knots, exclusive to somethingxtraspecial. At the moment they are only available on Etsy (haven't got round to uploading to my website). One sold the day it went up.
I make them in many sizes and different finishes, satin, highly polished, and textured. I am also introducing them on leather thongs as an alternative to silver chains, I love silver and black leather, but not sure whether this will prove to be a popular choice, but we'll see. If any one has any comments I'd love to hear them.
On Saturday back to features spot. Off to make a page here to show off some of the other fine silver items that I am inclusing in my shop.

Saturday 26 June 2010

Art and Photography - Vance Studios at Artfire

Art and photography are both to be found from this very talented lady Christine at Vance Studios:

"I've also been the crafty one on my family. I inherited my fine art abilities from my maternal grandmother, and my "vision" of developing ideas from my father. Together, they (sometimes a dangerous combination!) cause me to stretch beyond my 'craft comfort zone.'

I graduated from college with a BA in interior design and jumped feet first into my new career as a commercial interior architect. With great devotion and a gene of perfectionism, I worked long hours leaving no time for my own art. Since then, the economy tanked out …….. I am able to give myself an escape into my own little world of art! Every ink line, stroke of paint, and shutter of the camera relays a pART of me, to which I would only entrust the best."

Saturday 19 June 2010

Art - Pamela Taguinot

I met Pamela through a friend on facebook and saw her delightful colourful paintings. I love the naivety and spontaneity, the pure joy that is represented.

I asked her to say a few words about herself:

"Drawing since 10 yrs. old. Basically self taught just
from doodling around with different mediums.
Later on I attended art classes in college to realize the
use of paints better.
I continued to make stuff for friends and family.
Music is a big part of my creative process, jazz being my main inspiration.
Now I've created a website to share what I've accomplished. "

Thank you Pamela, and everyone else - do go
and check out her website. such fun!!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Glass - LAJewelrydesigns



Lea Avroch from New York is a proud member of SRA (Self Representing Artists).” I attest to the fact that each and every one of my lampwork beads is handmade by me, Lea Avroch, in my New York studio. They are each immediately annealed in a digitally controlled kiln to ensure strength and longevity.”

Click on the title link and do go have a look at her 'gallery' there are some beautiful things there - different from the norm!

Thanks Lea

Saturday 5 June 2010

Glass - Deronda Designs

Deronda designs has some beautiful beads, they are mostly in sets, very affordable and there are also some lovely etched metal discs.

She says:
I love glass, I really do love glass. I spend hours and hours out in my studio playing with glass and fire, although I am also working on some fusing as well as venturing into the world of metal.

See more at:
Thank you so much Deronda.