
Sunday 30 October 2011

Semblance of order among the chaos

For a brief moment yesterday, my bench had some order to it. The photo on the right is only showing one end of the room of course, where most of the chaos reigns, and doesn't show the bunk to the left which has trays of stuff all over it plus supplies, or the other end of the room which has all the packaging materials, but I am pretty please with how clear it looks. I have a week coming up soon where I can spend a lot more time in here than I have been able to lately, I am so looking forward to that.
What I really want is a ten foot long solid bench, but this room is upstairs and it wouldn't fit, so I will have to make do with my two work stations at the moment, but I have to say it's much better than what I used to have to make do with.
Anyway, just thought I'd show the world where I live at the weekends.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Diamonds are a girls best friend

I have decided to up the game now. I have just received some diamonds, not rocks - it's true but diamonds nonetheless, and what sparkly little blighters they are too. Sapphires and rubies as well. I have so many ideas, and the weekend to get started on them, so watch this space.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Fire, spinning, rolling and balls!

While it is true to say that my silver pea pods are the mainstay of my jewellery business, and without them I probably wouldn't have half the tools I have been able to get, I do love to experiment when I have the chance. So here is what I have been doing; rolling (with the mill) flame throwing to make the lovely little mercury balls (which I have to say for the last 20 years I have had a thing about - what is it that fascinates me with granulation??) and redesigning a ring I made over 15 years ago into a spinner ring!! I would like to have put a gold spinner round but as it was an experiment - gold is an expensive experiment, so maybe next time. Anyway - here are the weekends spoils.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Been playing today

I should have been doing other stuff, but let myself play for a bit! Had the idea of a reversible pendant for a while but wasn't sure it would work with what I wanted on the front and back, but it's turned out just how I hoped.
The ring is a mix of all sort of bits and pieces from my bench, a truly recycled piece. Recycled fine silver and recycled sterling, patterned in the rolling mill. Doesn't fit, so gott find someone to give it to now ;-)