Such beautiful colours: - in Michelle's shop are some gorgeous black and white photos as well - check them out.
Who's Behind Nature Manipulated?
My name is Michelle and I am the owner/designer of Nature Manipulated. I started taking art classes at a young age and continued my art studies at LaGuardia High School of Music, Art and Performing Arts. After completing high school, I began going to a small art college. Shortly after starting, I felt like I was loosing my passion for the arts. It was becoming a chore, or rather, homework. I took a break from creating things, although my love for photography never ceased. I continued taking pictures. After several years, I started dabbling again with my colored pencils and paints. (colored pencils were my favorite in high school.) …..I really enjoy creating things again and enveloping myself in the artsy world. I am glad that my childhood passion did not fade away forever. Sometimes when you take a little break, you come back stronger.
Lots more info at:
Thank you Michelle