Wednesday 3 March 2010

Art - Amanda at Mossmottle

Amanda is an accomplished artist of varied mediums (and from the UK - yay!) and has kindly allowed me to feature her here.
"A keen painter and metal clay jewellery maker, I'm a self-representing artist currently living in Derbyshire, on the edge of the Peak District of the United Kingdom. My work tends to be textural and tonally variegated, reflecting the limestone and woodland environment I inhabit.

It's very important to me to have a strong element of improvisation and spontaneity in the creative process.
My interest in organic forms and textures is reflected in my painting, most of which falls somewhere between landscape and abstraction. My paintings, although often built up in layers over time often contains spontaneous, gestural drawing and calligraphic expression. Frequently landscape will assert itself before long in some way. Sometimes just a conversation about colour may lead to something new. On a very good day, music will cajole and inspire me to paint in a very free and happy way.
Most of my paintings are made using oil paints with alkyd medium to greatly accelerate drying time. I love blending techniques within a painting, for example glazing and impasto. I find paint, oils especially, endlessly fascinating!
I'm also committed to making affordable, smaller format original fine art works. I love the sense of intimacy often to be found in such art."

More of Amanda's work can be seen (larger and at higher resolution) on Flickr:
And her items for sale at:
Thank you Amanda

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